Some stunting lingo (and some of my personal lingo) may be confusing to viewers. For this reason I have compiled a list of definitions for the terms which I think viewers may not understand.  This list has been organized into several sections: general terminology; launching terminology; ledging terminology; base stunts, insides, and balances terminology; and other terminology.

General Terminology
UST: Acronym for "Ultimate Stunting Tutorial", which is the primary name for my project to make a video tutorial for as many stunts on Blood Gulch as possible.

BG: Acronym for "Blood Gulch", a multiplayer map in Halo: Combat Evolved.

BGM: Acronym for "Blood Gulch Movie", an old title for my project to make a tutorial video of as many stunts on Blood Gulch as possible.

Pre-Tut/Pre-Tutorial: A video part in UST which teaches you basic skills/techniques which are used in stunts.

Stunt/Stunting/Stunter: A stunt is any sort of unnatural act in a video game. This includes glitches and tricks, as well as some other phenomena which one might not consider intended aspects of the game. Stunting is the act of performing stunts, and a stunter is a person who performs stunts.

Trick/Tricking/Tricker: A trick is any skillful act in a video game. Tricking is the act of performing tricks, and a tricker is a person who does tricks. In some circles tricking is given the definition ascribed to stunting, leaving the word stunting with no specially prescribed definition.

Glitch/Glitching/Glitcher: A glitch is an error in a video game that leads to unintended behavior. This includes simple "annoying" glitches, such as graphical, menu, or other interface errors, as well as more interesting errors, such as the capacity to clip through objects. Glitching is the act of performing glitches and a glitcher is a person who does glitches. Glitching often has a negative context because many people who have been identified as glitchers have used glitches to gain an unfair advantage in multiplayer games. (It should be noted that trickers/stunters often despise this sort of practice, and do not partake in such cheating.)

De-rendering: A phenomenon in which Halo incorrectly chooses not to render an object's visual and/or collision model. This is often seen with textures in an area when ledging, as the game cannot know that new areas are visible to the player if they are outside of the map. Also occurs with vehicle insides where the "node" which the game refers to when deciding whether or not to render the vehicle is not visible to the player. In some cases when the node in a vehicle or player passes far enough outside of the map the vehicle/player's collision geometry will de-render, leading the vehicle/player to become entirely nonsolid. This non-solidness is similar to that seen with de-syncs, but results due to an enitely different phenomenon. However, both de-rendering and de-synchronization have been refferred to as "phantomization", and the results of both phenomenon called "phantoms". This has been a source of some confusion, and is the reason why most stunters use the words de-render and de-sync instead of phantom.

E.P.: An acronym for "Exact Point", "Exact Position", or "Exact Place". They are exact ways in which you have to aim/stand in order to do certain stunts. E.P.s are often used for Base Stunts and are almost always necessary for Balances. E.P.s are usually communicated by means of a screengrab/screenshot. Most stunters memorize important E.P.s by relating constant elements (such as the reticle and parts of the HUD) with textures/edges around what they are lining up with.

Phantom/Desync/Dummy/Desynchronization: A phenomenon that is created by packet loss, a phantom is anything a client sees that is not actually the case according to the server. For instance, a client in a server might see a vehicle that has fallen on the ground, off of a base, but upon trying to flip the vehicle they find themselves unable. Shooting and grenading the vehicle does nothing, and players find themselves able to walk through it. The vehicle is actually on the base, and if an action by any player moves it the client will see it instantaneously return to its correct position.

Third Party Programs: Any program to be used with Halo that was not made by Bungie/the developers of the game.

Third/Third Person: A third party program used by stunters to move the camera from a first person to a third person perspective. This can make Halo a "third person shooter", if one so wishes, but it is usually used by stunters to load textures while ledging or to get a better view for a wall walk.

Flycam: A third party program that allows the player to detach the camera from their player and fly it around the map, hence "flycam". The app is primarily used to get cinematic views or for screenshots.

Sightjacker: A third party program that allows a player to "jack" the view of another player in a multiplayer game. This is used by stunters to assist each other when doing specific stunts, like ledges, and to load textures in place of third person.

Launching Terminology
Launch: A launch is a trick/stunt that involves launching a player or vehicle through the air, usually to high altitudes or at high velocities.

Explosion Launch: An explosion launch is any launch that involves using explosives as the primary means of launching.

Warp Launch: A warp launch is any launch that involves using lag/a warp in the launch method.

Respawn Launch: A respawn launch is any launch that involves using a respawning vehicle in the launch method.

PFR: Acronym for the explosive combination that involves throwing a Plasma grenade, a Frag grenade, and then firing a Rocket. This is a basic technique integral to stunting.

The Spot Making Method: A method which involves throwing a grenade straight up and standing on its decal to line up a multi-plasma launch/explosion. The method allows players to measure precisely how far away they need to stand from their target for the launch.

SPFR: An acronym for "Shotgun Plasma Frag Rocket", or "Side seat Plasma Frag Rocket". The explosive combination involves PFRing while in the side seat of a Warthog.

PFRR: An acronym for "Plasma Frag Rocket Rocket". This is a normal PFR launch plus an extra rocket from a rocket hog's turret.

PFRT: An acronym for "Plasma Frag Rocket Tank". This is a normal PFR plus a tank blast.

Unplugging: A warp launching method that involves unplugging your ethernet cable for a short period of time to create 100% packet loss.

Uploading: A warp launching method that involves uploading files to the internet, taking up as much of your upload bandwidth as possible and causing ocassional bursts of packet loss in Halo.

Ledging Terminology
Ledge/Ledging/Ledger: A ledge is a solid line inside of a wall/ceiling. Stunts that involve walking on a series of ledges to reach a certain ending point in a wall/ceiling are called "Ledges". The act of performing a ledge is called "Ledging". A player who does ledges in Halo is called a "Ledger".

Tapping: A ledging method that involves tapping forward slowly so as to "feel" ledges in front of you before they push you off of the map.

Wall hack: A ledge where the wall slopes drammatically inward (so your upper body is not inside of the wall at all). Wall hacks are notoriously difficult to do as they are extremely easy to pop out of. That is to say, even the slightest deviation to the right/left from the center results in instant failure.

Popping: Popping is when you "pop" out of some object/wall you were previously inside of. Popping is basically just a small warp, and occurs when Halo's collision detection system detects a collision when part of your player's model is intersecting some piece of collision geometry. The result of this collision detection is Halo pushing you out of whatever you were inside of. Popping is particularly bothersome when ledging, as if you deviate a little too much out of a wall you will "pop" out of it, back into the map.

Base Stunts, Insides, and Balances Terminology
Inside/Clip/Clipping: An inside is a stunt that involves getting a vehicle or player inside of some part of a level's geometry. Like getting a player inside of a rock, or a ghost inside of the ground. The word clip is used by some people to describe these stunts, as you are "clipping" objects through/out of the map. However, it should be noted that players who stunt in halo 1 multiplayer almost never use the word clip.

Balance: A balance is a stunt that involves balancing a vehicle in a way that is odd or unnatural. This can be on top of an object, such as a pillar or a portal, or on the ground.

Base Stunt: A base stunt is any balance or inside performed on or inside of a base. This category was created due to the high density of balances and insides around the bases on Blood Gulch, but can be applied to the bases on other maps like Danger Canyon and Ice Fields.

Balance Points: Points that you can balance vehicles on. E.g., on the ground the Ghost can be balanced on its nose; the tank on its nose, back, and side; and the hog on its nose and back.

Common Acronyms: "RSU" means right side up and "UD" means upside-down.  "A" means facing away from the base and "B" means facing towards the base.

Hog Balance Points: RSU A, RSU B, UD A, UD B, Side (or Sideways), Back, Nose, Middle, Gun, Gun Tip, Turret.

Ghost Balance Points: RSU A, RSU B, Hang A, Hang B, Side, Nose A, Nose B, Wobbler, Wing A, Wing B.

Banshee Balance Points: Tail, Canopy, Cockpit A, Cockpit B, Wing, Side, Wing Tip.

Tank Balance Points: RSU A, RSU B, UD A, UD B, Nose, Back, Side, Sideways.

Break Points: Points where you can split a vehicle's collision geometry, thus getting it into a part of the level. Non-planar break points are usually ignored in listings.

Banshee Break Points: Canopy, canopy tip, tail, each wing tip (2), each wing (2), nose, middle.

Ghost Break Points: Seat, middle, right wing, left wing, right diagonal, left diagonal.

Hog Break Points: Split, hood, front bumper, each wheel (4), middle, left-back corner, right-back corner.

Tank Break Points: Each tread (4), each tread tip (4), turret, middle, front, back.

Trap: A static vehicle setup which ejects a player outside of the map so they fall to their death.

Door: A stunt that can only be made in front of an entrance which blocks the entrance. Usually can be flipped open to reveal the entrance, but this is not always the case.

Shark: A vehicle that is inside of the ground and drivable. E.g., a ghost that is inside of the ground by its seat breakpoint is called a "Ghost Seat Shark". This name originated from the original Banshee Shark on Gephyrophobia, which involves getting a Banshee inside of the main bridge by its canopy break point. The part of the Banshee that is above the bridge resembles a shark fin, and can be used to flip vehicles or kill players.

Shroom: A ghost that is inside the ground by its middle break point such that its wings are above the ground. The ghost vaguely resembles a mushroom in this state.

Jam: Used to describe vehicles clipped into the small slab bridging above the ramps on either side of the bases on blood gulch.

Float: A vehicle inside that has been suspended above the ground can be described as a float. These occur due to wedging/squeezing or lines in collision geometry.

Cushion: A vehicle balancing behind a portal. Usually only tank balances behind the portal are referred to as cushions.

Other Terminology
Location: A location is a stunt that involves getting a vehicle or player to a place where they were not meant to be (e.g.: outside of the map).

Miscellaneous Stunts: Any stunt that does not fall into one of the other categories (Balances, Launches, Ledges, Locations, and Insides). These stunts include wall walks, vehicle spins, and an assortment of other oddities that do not fall into one of the general categories.

Wall walk: A stunt that involves walking on a wall that is normally unwalkable. The stunt works by running continuously into an edge or other wedge-shaped area.

Warp Machine: A setup of vehicles which can lead a player to physically teleport or "warp" from one place to another. (Note: This does not involve lag at all!)