This section of the guide deals with the introduction videos, which are montage-style format videos to introduce the content and spirit of UST to viewers.

UST Base Stunts
This introductory video displays a variety of Base Stunts, which are stunts that involve balancing or clipping vehicles on the bases on Blood Gulch.

Duration: 1:37
Music: Atlantis - Two Steps From Hell

UST Launches
This video showcases a variety of Launches which are stunts that involve sending vehicles or players flying at high velocities.

Duration: 2:07
Music: Blade Fighter - Two Steps From Hell

UST Ledges
This video serves as an introduction to Ledges, which are stunts that involve clipping outside of the level geometry and walking on lines/points of solidity.

Duration: 3:27
Music: Seven Lions - Below Us (Remastered by Nov4)